To explore the plasticity of objects in a composition through value.
Drawing materials: gray drawing paper, chalk, charcoal, or ebony pencils
Illusionistic qualities of three-dimensional objects are best shown via a strong range of values. To achieve the greatest degree of plasticity, solid objects should have strong lights, dark shadows, and a selection of transitional medium gray values.
Plan an arrangement of simple objects. Make a shaded drawing of this arrangement on medium-tone gray paper, using white chalk for the light areas and black chalk, soft charcoal, or ebony pencil for the dark areas. The background may be broken into shapes harmoniously related to the main objects. Emphasize the light by using contrasting values. Edges may be highlighted with white chalk where they adjoin dark areas. Large areas of gray paper may be left untouched as transitional values. (Figs. 5.3A, 5.3B)